How to Clean a Dry Herb Vaporizer

Cleaning your dry herb vaporizer is the most basic thing you can do to extend its life.

A clean dry herb vaporizer enhances the flavor of your herbs, and ensures optimal performance for a long time. Removing the leftover resin and residue also makes it easier for your device to function properly, ensuring you can keep using it for a long time.

That’s why here, we’ll go through the best ways to clean your dry herb vaporizer, and hook you up with the best tools and items to keep it clean.

Let’s get started!

What happens if you don’t clean your dry herb vape?

Every time you vaporize herbs, the herb chamber gets coated with a thin layer of residue, mostly composed of dried up herbs and leftover resin. The longer you take in between cleaning sessions, the larger the residue will be.

This residue directly affects the vapor quality, emitting burnt flavors that can affect your vaping session. This is even worse if you vape different kinds of herbs, since the leftovers from one will mix up with whatever you vape next.

The buildup residue can also affect the capacity of your chamber, preventing you to fill it up properly. Once you fill up the chamber, the residue can even prevent the new load from being fully vaporized by blocking the air paths and leading to uneven vaporization.

Lastly, a dirty chamber can quickly lead to complications with the device, especially if your heating element is in direct contact with the herb.

As we can see, not cleaning your dry herb vaporizer can negatively affect your sessions in more ways than one.

How to clean your vaporizer after each session

Keeping your vape clean is easy, especially if you spend a few extra seconds cleaning it up after each use.

Your vaporizer will likely come with a small cleaning brush. If not, you can use any brush with soft bristles, as well as pipe cleaners or cotton swabs. There’s no need for water or alcohol.

After each vaping session, wait until the chamber is fully cooled off. Then, all you need to do is to remove your vaporized herbs, and spend a few seconds carefully cleaning the chamber and screen immediately after.

It’s that simple!

Cleaning it up like this will drastically reduce the amount of residue that’s left after each use. After a few uses, however, you’ll want to perform a deep clean to make sure your device stays in top shape.

How to deep clean your dry herb vaporizer

Depending on your vaporizer, your herbs, and your vaping habits, you’ll want to deep clean your dry herb vaporizer every 5-10 uses.

Here’s how:

Step 1: Disassemble your dry herb vape

The first thing you need to do is to take apart your dry herb vape. Some vaporizers will allow you to fully disassemble them, while others may have fewer parts. Make sure your device is off and fully cooled down before you start.

Most devices will usually disassemble into the mouthpiece, battery, and heating chamber. Cheaper devices will also have removable coils, which you can unscrew out of place.

Step 2: Empty the chamber

Remove the vaporized dry herb from the heating chamber. You can tap the chamber to help you empty it into an ashtray, or save the ABV into a container for future use. Be careful not to accidentally remove any screen while removing the herb.

Once it’s mostly empty, use your brush to finish removing any loose debris, just as you would after a normal session.

Step 3: Clean the mouthpiece

Mouthpieces can often get debris that may clog the airflow. Instead of overlooking it, make sure it’s fully clean by using a brush or a poking tool to remove the buildup in it. Some mouthpieces have screens to keep the herb from getting to your mouth, so be careful while cleaning it.

Step 4: Deep cleaning your vaporizer with alcohol

Now that your vape is free of large chinks of debris, you can deep clean it with alcohol. To do it, you can soak a cotton swab in isopropyl alcohol. Then, carefully clean both the mouthpiece and the herb chamber. This will help you remove any resin and leftover residue. If there are any crooks or crannies, you can use a toothpick to carefully remove residue from places that are hard to reach.

Make sure to clean the mouthpiece in and out with your cotton swab, too.

Step 5: Check your battery

Before finishing up, check the vape battery. To make sure your dry herb vaporizer is working properly, you’ll want to make sure the connection is free of residue and completely unobstructed. Be very careful when cleaning it, and ensure you’re not getting the battery wet with alcohol or water.


Final thoughts

As we’ve seen, a clean dry herb vape is a long-lasting dry herb vape. Keeping your vaporizer clean will ensure your vaporizer keeps working correctly and for a long time.

Need any supplies? Check out our cleaning gear for your vaporizers and glass pieces in Grasscity to make sure you always have what you need to keep your dry herb vaporizer clean!


About the author

Ramon van Wanrooij - Managing DirectorRamon van Wanrooij - Managing Director

Ramon van Wanrooij - Managing Director - LinkedIn

Ramon is a well-known face in the cannabis accessories industry. As the managing director of Grasscity, Ramon is in charge of all the daily operations. He started working for Grasscity in 2014 as the Manager Supply Chain and is currently overseeing, besides his role at Grasscity, the global supply chain of High Tide Inc. Under his supervision, Grasscity, the best-rated online headshop, has shipped over a million bongs worldwide. Ramon is born and raised in Amsterdam, a.k.a. the “Grasscity”, and is educated in e-commerce, supply chain management, and cross cross-cultural management. He is an avid user and passionate expert on smoking accessories, who loves to educate the world about the latest innovations, product tips, guides, and other important information regarding using weed.