How To Hide Being High

We’ve all had to hide our high for some reason or another and, listen, we don’t judge. While we can’t guarantee you’ll fly under the radar after a fat bowl pack to the face, but what we can do is share tips and tricks for keeping your cool. Just keep calm, it’s simpler than it seems.

What to do

Get some air.

This step works two ways. Step outside and take a deep breath. This is the best way to keep your anxiety at bay, but it also works wonders for airing out your clothes and hair, eliminating the smell of fresh smoke.

Open your eyes.

If you’ve got eye drops laying around, it doesn’t hurt to put a small drop in each eye to clear up any redness. If not, don’t panic. Smoking is notorious for making your eyes low, so make sure you aren’t squinting. Don’t be scared to make eye contact with others- they can’t see through you!

Keep your cool: No one’s onto you!

A funny feeling we all universally share is the fear that everyone knows what you’ve been doing. It couldn’t be farther from the truth. If you take the steps above, you can walk confidently into any room and hardly anyone will notice what’s up.


What NOT to do

Bathe in perfume.

The quickest way to blow your cover is to douse yourself in perfume or cologne to try and drown out the smell. Herb smoke seems to linger less long than cigarette smoke, so you probably don’t smell anyway. Ask a sober friend to give you a smell check if possible.

Hide in the kitchen.

If you’re in a social setting and don’t want anyone to know you’ve smoked, the worst thing you can do is dive into a plate of nachos and stuff your face in the corner. Munchies are a dead giveaway.


Just be yourself! You’ll give yourself up by acting strange. We promise no one is over-analyzing the way you’re standing, or questioning the way you’re holding that water bottle. Before you smoked, you wouldn’t be concerned with the way you’re moving or talking. Don’t be fooled into overthinking your every move.

Above all, hold your head up and enjoy your high. Life’s too short to care what others think, anyway.

About the author

Ramon van Wanrooij - Managing Director Ramon van Wanrooij - Managing Director

Ramon van Wanrooij - Managing Director - LinkedIn

Ramon is a well-known face in the cannabis accessories industry. As the managing director of Grasscity, Ramon is in charge of all the daily operations. He started working for Grasscity in 2014 as the Manager Supply Chain and is currently overseeing, besides his role at Grasscity, the global supply chain of High Tide Inc. Under his supervision, Grasscity, the best-rated online headshop, has shipped over a million bongs worldwide. Ramon is born and raised in Amsterdam, a.k.a. the “Grasscity”, and is educated in e-commerce, supply chain management, and cross cross-cultural management. He is an avid user and passionate expert on smoking accessories, who loves to educate the world about the latest innovations, product tips, guides, and other important information regarding using weed.