what are glycerin coils

Everyone who loves bongs is always hunting for the ultimate chilled bong rip or bowl hit. While perc bongs and ice catchers have long been favored for that extra cooling touch, glycerin coils are emerging as a game-changer with even cooler hits.

Let's explore the magic behind glycerin coils and see how they take the smoking experience to icy new heights.

What are Glycerin Coils?

Often referred to as glycerin chambers or condenser coils, glycerin coils are a unique feature in the world of bongs and water pipes. These glass-walled coils are filled with glycerin, a non-toxic gel rich in fatty acids, commonly found in many foods and beauty products.

What sets glycerin apart is its higher melting point compared to water, allowing it to stay frozen longer. Plus, its consistent volume, regardless of temperature, ensures the coils remain intact without risk of cracking or breaking.

How Do Glycerin Coils Work?

Glycerin coils are unique in the world of bongs and pipes. Typically, your entire bong shouldn't be frozen due to the risk of glass cracking; these coils can be safely removed and chilled in the freezer.

Some specialized freezable pipes even allow the whole unit to be frozen with its glycerin coil. Once the glycerin coil is sufficiently cold, it's typically secured back onto the bong using a plastic holder called a keck clip.

As you take your rips, the smoke travels through the bong, making contact with the icy glass walls of the coils. This process super-cools the smoke, ensuring a smooth and refreshing hit as it flows through the mouthpiece.

Benefits of Glycerin Coils

Smoother and Cooler Hits

Glycerin coils are specifically designed to maximize cooling. As the smoke travels through the glycerin chamber, it undergoes a rapid cooling process. This results in significantly cooler and smoother hits.

Stays Frozen Longer

Glycerin has a higher melting point than water, so it can keep your bong icy longer than ice alone. This results in a consistently cool experience. If you typically rely on ice catchers or add ice cubes directly to your bong, glycerin coils are a game changer.

No Melting, No Mess

As the ice melts in traditional bongs, it can alter the water level, affect the bong's percolator function, and dilute the cooling power. Glycerin coils eliminate this concern. The glycerin is sealed within the coils, so it doesn't mix with the water. This maintains a consistent water level and ensures the cooling effect remains undiluted.

Buy Glycerin Bongs and Freeze Pipes Online

If you're looking for the perfect super-cooled smoking experience, GrassCity offers a diverse range of glycerin bongs and pipes online. Whether you're drawn to the Freeze Pipe Dual Glycerin Chamber Bong or intrigued by the Freeze Pipe Hand Pipe with Glycerin Chamber and Bubbler, GrassCity ensures you won't run out of options.

Discover the best glycerin coil bongs and pipes available online, all tailored to elevate your smoking sessions.

Freeze Pipe Dual Glycerin Chamber Bong

Featuring two separate glycerin chambers and two different percolators, the Freeze Pipe Dual Glycerin Chamber Bong is perfect for those super-smooth icy hits that only a glycerin coil bong can provide.

Freeze Pipe is a dominating force in the glycerin coil market, and for good reason. This bong is a testament to their devotion to an all-around icy-cool toking experience. 

Quick Features

  • Delivers Big/ Smooth and Cool Rips
  • Includes 18.8mm Male Bowl w/ Handle
  • Inline Percolator
  • Sprinkler Perc
  • Includes Two Glycerin Coils
  • Perfect for Travel

Freeze Pipe Hand Pipe with Glycerin Chamber

The Freeze Pipe Hand Pipe with Glycerin Chamber is a more portable alternative to their Dual Glycerin Chamber Bong. Its removable glass bowl allows for quick, hassle-free clearing of ash, and the glycerin-filled chamber makes this hand pipe hit like an icy-cool bong.

Quick Features

  • Constructed from durable glass and metal
  • Hand pipe with glycerin filled chamber
  • Freezer compatible
  • Removable honeycomb-style glass bowl
  • Instantly cools smoke
  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • Portable pocket size design

Freeze Pipe Hammer Bubbler with Glycerin Chamber

This bubbler from Freeze Pipe fills the void between a pipe and a water bong. Feautring a detachable glycerin chamber and a 6-arm tree percolator, this bubbler provides ultra-cool and ultra-smooth hits that rival top-shelf quality bongs. 

Quick Features

  • Borosilicate glass construction
  • 6-arm tree percolator
  • Attachable glycerin chamber
  • Portable pocket size design
  • Stable feet
  • Long straw mouthpiece
  • Black glass accents

Glycerin Coil FAQs

How Do I Clean a Glycerin Coil?

Glycerin coils can be cleaned like other glass parts of a bong or pipe. Mix isopropyl alcohol and coarse salt, place the solution and coil in a heavy-duty Ziploc bag, and gently shake the bag to remove any residues.

How Long Should I Freeze Glycerin Coils?

For optimal cool smoke, freezing your glycerin coil for a few hours is recommended. However, even just 1 hour can make a noticeable difference. Glycerin coils can be left in the freezer for days or weeks without any issues. There's no maximum freeze time, so it's ready whenever your smoking experience calls for it.

Are Glycerin Coils Safe to Use?

Glycerin coils are safe when used correctly. It's essential to choose a bong or device that utilizes food-grade glycerin. Always inspect the glycerin chamber for any signs of damage, ensuring the coils are not broken or cracked before use.

Can Glycerin Coils Be Used with Any Bong or Pipe?

While glycerin coils might fit some standard bongs or pipes, pairing them with water pipes or bubblers designed explicitly for this purpose, like a coil beaker bong, is best. This ensures optimal performance and a seamless smoking experience.